Coast and Lossiemouth Sections
GNSRA is a registered charity no. SC050156  :  Website v3.20  ©1999 to 2025 GNSRA
Portsoy Harbour
Rifle Range Greens of Drainie Linksfield Coast Coast Lossiemouth
The first parts of the Coast Section were laid by the Banff, Portsoy & Strathisla Railway (headquartered in Banff), as part of its main line from Grange via Tillynaught to Banff Harbour. From Tillynaught, a branch of 3.25 miles led to Portsoy. The line from Grange to Portsoy opened on 30/7/1859 (goods/passengers). The Act of 21/7/1863 authorised extension from Portsoy onwards to Port Gordon, and provided that GNSR would contribute £80,000 of the cost thereof. Shortage of money prevented this work being started. After much negotiation, the Act of 12/8/1867 amalgamated the Banffshire Railway with GNSR and gave powers to abandon the extension to Port Gordon. The section from Portsoy to Tochieneal opened on 1/4/1884. From Elgin to Garmouth opened on 12/8/1884. From Tochieneal to Garmouth opened on 5/4/1886 (goods), 1/5/1886 (passengers). The whole Coast Section closed on 6/5/1968 (goods/passengers), although the chord from Grange to Grange North Jct. had closed on 7/3/1960.
The Lossiemouth Section was the earliest railway north of Aberdeen and was built by the Morayshire Rly. Elgin to Lossiemouth opened 10/8/1852 (official), 11/8/1852 (goods/passengers) and closed 6/4/1964 (passengers), 28/3/1966 (goods)
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Main Line
The GNSR Main Line, Lossiemouth and Coast Sections form a junction with the Highland Railway at Elgin.
Fine video of Coast Section (Buckie to Tillienaught) plus Banff.