The Associationwasformedin1964tobringtogetherallthoseinterestedintheGreatNorthofScotland Railway,throughoutitshistory.ThefoundersofGNSRArealisedtheneedforadedicatedbodydevoted tothestudyofonespecificrailway,atatimewhenfewsuchsocietiesexisted.Sixtyyearslater,much hasbeenlearnedbut-asnewsourcesofinformationappear-newavenuesofresearchcontinueto open up. There is still much to be unearthed.If you want to know more about the railways of this area at any period of their history, then you will find plenty to interest you on this site and in the publications of the Association. Or why not consider joining us? For details, click here.The Association has a proud record of original research and publishes much material about all aspects of the GNSR and its constituent lines. Books published by GNSRA may be purchased here.GNSRAisregisteredwiththeOfficeoftheScottishCharityRegulator(OSCR)asaScottishCharitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).