Kittybrewster Station
Aberdeen Area Map Were this 50's view from Kittybrewster South Box possible today it would only show the main line and Waterloo Branch, The view fom Kittybrewster South box in the late 50's, crews have just changed, and a Denburn P.W. man checks the track, surely this scene would continue for decades A service stops at Kittybrewster shortly before the station closed in 1968, Changeover of crews at Kittybrewster continued into the diesel era, note the steam era overalls as the class 24.1 gets its new men. Was this the totem that fetched 4,500 GBP at auction in 2003 - or the one that raised only 990 GBP subsequently? Fitter David Williams [left] and colleague effect smokebox repairs at Kittybrewster works in this undated shot