Website Development Information
Website 1.0 = former GNSRA website, compiled by Griffon
Website 2.0 = restructured by JFH, containing all content from v1.0 (went live 12 March 2020)
Website 2.1 to 2.3 = cumulative incremental developments of v2.0 (went live 3 April 2020), incl.:-
Revised Wagons and Home pages, the latter with rolling pictures and hit counter display
Railway interconnections on all Section maps
57 Station pages (+2 in v2.11) created and 103 pictures (+20 in v2.11) added
Signal diagrams added (v 2.11) for Elgin, Ellon, Inveramsay, Keith Jct., Maud, Portessie
non-GNSR platform and Halts on Strathspey Section (v 2.21)
historic GNSR Youtube clips added (v 2.21)
FSLS Archive (Scottish Railway Photographs) page added (v 2.22)
Gift Aid, membership and constitution pages revised (v 2.23)
webpages for Mortlach Section (v 2.24), Lenabo Branch, Cruden Tramway and Peterhead H of R
Railway (all v 2.25)
Harbour Lines webpages - Portsoy, Banff, Lossiemouth (all v 2.31), Aberdeen (Guild St/Waterloo),
Fraserburgh, Peterhead, Buckie (all v 2.33)
YouTube videos on Ballater and Cambus O’May pages (v 2.35)
Photo competition results page added (v 2.35)
Minutes and Accounts page added (v 2.36)
Sitemap and Trams page added (v 2.37)
48 images from Virtual Summer Outing 17/6/21 added (v 2.38)
note re Dalriach Farm added to Kemnay page (v 2.39)
Website 3.0 = subsequent developments (from 16 Dec 2021):-
Data Privacy Statement (v 3.01)
Ellon Station and other pictures (v 3.02)
Restructuring of Shop page(s) (v 3.03)
revised membership form download (v 3.04)
test access to Reviews (v 3.05)
[disaster recovery version of v 3.05 (v 3.055)]
online version of Review Archive (v 3.06)
technical drawings of Drum, Holburn Street and Milltimber Station buildings added (v 3.07)
Announcement of 2022 Photo Competition and Xmas cards (v 3.08) - subsequently deleted
Staff Interviews page (audio and transcript files) (v 3.09)
notes added re Craigmyle, Mills of Drum and Aboyne Loch (on Glassel, Park and Aboyne pages,
respectively) (v 3.10)
location of Strabathie Light Rly indicated on Lines & Stations and Tramways pages (v 3.11)
development work on e-commerce lite (v 3.12)
miscellaneous plus update of Review Archive (v 3.13)
migration to Windows 11 PC (v 3.14)
addition of Study Room info and revised price list (v2.8) (v 3.15)
Added Xmas cards 2024 page and deleted Interviews page (v3.16)
Upgraded PHP version used on host to v8.3 (v3.17)
PLS incorporated for licensing GNSRA material (v 3.18)
Website 3.2 = future developments:-
Online (including Paypal) payment acceptance for publications (and potentially subscriptions)
enhanced Carriages page
Modify selection of rolling photographs on home page
Miscellaneous (including privately-owned) goods sidings pages
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